Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 17th May 2010

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 17th May 2010

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council

held on Monday 17th May 2010

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present:                    Cllr Tilbury, Cllr Mrs Leach, Cllr Churchill, Cllr Meynell

Cllr Mrs Barker, Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Way

Apologies:                Cllr Mrs Cobbold and Cllr Mrs Parks

In attendance:         The Clerk, County and District Councillor P Montyn, and 9 members of the public.

1-10 Election of Chairman

Resolved that Cllr R Meynell be elected Chairman until the date of the next Annual Meeting of Council.

Proposed Cllr R Tilbury and seconded by Cllr N Way

In accepting the Chair Councillor Meynell thanked the outgoing Chairman, Councillor Tilbury, for his outstanding contribution to the work of the Parish Council and for his dedication during the 10 years of his Chairmanship.

2-10 Election of Vice-Chairman

The election of Vice-Chairman was deferred until the date of the next ordinary meeting

3-10                Urgent/Additional items notified to the Chairman or the Clerk prior to the meeting.

There were none.

4-10                To appoint Members to outside bodies;

i)          Play Park and playing Field – Cllr G Churchill

ii)     Civil Protection Emergency Planning – Cllr A Parks

iii)   Village Hall Trust – Cllrs Huskission, Cobbold and Tilbury, Mrs J Rees

iv)   Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service – Cllr S Leach

v)     Peninsula Community Forum – Cllrs Cobbold, Meynell & Way

5-10                Apologies

Cllr Mrs Cobbold Cllr Mrs Parks

6-10                Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Huskisson and Leach declared personal interests in planning matters.

Councillor G Churchill entered the meeting at this point.

7-10 Minutes of the meeting held on the 19th April 2010


Resolved: that the minutes of the 19th April 2010 be signed as a true and accurate record.

Proposed by Cllr R Tilbury and seconded by Cllr S Leach

8-10                Matters arising from the Minutes

i) Land Bequeathed to the council – The Clerk reported that the matter had now been put into the hands of Jane Futrille of Thomas Eggars Solicitors. Although this had meant a change of Solicitors it did mean that the case was being dealt with in Chichester rather than Worthing.

The Clerk went on to say that he had contact Ms Futrille who had told him that they had received no response to their letters. Ms Futrille also said that she would be away until the 17th May and if she had not received a response by then action of a more stringent nature would be employed.

ii) Bus Shelter Seat – The bus shelter seat was now in position

9-10 Clerks’ Report:

i) The only information to come from WSCC to date was the West Sussex Landscape Character Management Guidelines. This document derives from the published document ‘A Strategy for the West Sussex Landscape’. It is seen as a useful document during the planning process and also as an aid if the Council should wish to produce a Parish Plan and/or a Design Statement.

ii) Chichester District Council has produced a consultation document which outlines the obligation that CDC has under the Local Government & Public Involvement in Health Act of 2007. This obligation forces the CDC to change its governance arrangements to one of two choices;

Choice 1 would be a directly Elected Mayor who would not be a Councillor and would appoint members to a cabinet. The Mayors term would be for four years and he or she could not be removed from Office by the Council.

Choice 2 would be a Leader of Council, appointed for a term of four years. He or She would be able to appoint their own Cabinet. The Council would retain the powers to remove the Leader.

Currently CDC prefers Choice 2.

The public has the opportunity of having their say via the CDC website, email or letter.

Closure of the consultation period is the 6th August 2010 with the final decision being implemented after the DC Elections in 2011.

iii) The Clerk had received an email from the St James Close Residents Association asking for help in dealing with some ‘anti-social’ parking that was happening during the school term and school start and finish times. PCSO A Bromley who was in attendance said that parking was no longer a matter for the police unless it was considered to be dangerous or contravened the law. She suggested that the residents association work closely with the school in trying to resolve the problem. Councillor A Parks, although not present at the meeting, had indicated that she would, as a School Governor, bring this up at the next Governors Meeting in June.

iv) Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC

Cllr P Montyn reported that he had met with Mr Adrian Mills of The Terence Mills Trust. Mr Adrian Mills, himself a paraplegic, was helping to raise awareness of the chronic shortage of wheel chairs for the disabled on the African Continent and the work that he was doing in an attempt to redress that shortage.

10-10              Planning matters including CDC decisions:


BI/09/07465/FUL ( a resubmission of BI/09/00787/FUL) Land south of Withdean, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham

We note that we have responded on the 18th March 2009 and the 10th December 2009 to previous applications on this site and are therefore looking for responses to the previous submissions we have made. We would wish our previous comments to be included in any papers to go to the Development Control Committee (South) and to be read with this response.

The exchange of letters with the Planning Officer dated April 2010 and copies of the original Block Plan and Visibility Plan are all we have to hand for this response.

We noted that there is a well-established hedge at this point on this rural road which contributes to the rural ambience. The original plan asked for a 4 metre breach in the hedge to establish the new entrance. The latest exchange of letters suggests that WSCC Highways are now looking for a 6 metre breach. This seems to us to be a step backwards, not forwards. We support the Officer’s comments on the importance of the retention of the hedge.

The applicant’s agent says he has measured the distance of the hedge back from the road. So have we and we provided the figure in our responses last year. It is 3.35 metres to the centre line of the hedge. We commented then, and we comment now, that a 2.4 metre by 120 metre visibility splay will necessitate cutting back the hedge (which has a tendency to grow outwards from the centre line) or vehicles exiting the site will need to position themselves right on the edge of the road to achieve proper visibility. We also outlined the pedestrian safety issues implied by this in our submission of the 10th December 2009.

The applicant’s agent gives an indication that vehicles using the site are “likely to be 2 axle smaller lorries with a max gross weight of 7.5t”. This is too vague to establish need and probably unenforceable even if made a condition of granting the application. If the ditch were culverted only to take this weight of such a vehicle there could be a problem with future drainage along Sidlesham Lane if the culvert breaks down.

No response is made to our comments in both submissions last year about the establishment of need. We still do not know what this site is to be used for and therefore what sort of traffic will be using it and how frequently.

No response is made to our point in the December submission about the positioning of the access. We still consider that an entrance for 7.5t lorries only 2.5 metres from the next door property is unneighbourly and a possible environmental hazard. We continue to maintain that Sidlesham Lane is not linear development and gave details in our submission of the 10th December 2009.

We understand that many of the residents of Alandale Road have written pointing out the traffic hazards on Sidlesham Lane and we support them; in this regard we draw your attention to our comments of the 10th December 2009.

We consider that the applicant still fails to establish need and that the plan would lead to a loss of amenity for residents and visitors alike in this part of our village. We therefore continue to OBJECT to this application.

BI/10/01812/TPA 18 Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham

This is an application to carry out works on a tree with a Preservation Order in the garden of 18 Longmeadow Close. It is evident from the application that professional advice has been sought and the Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.

BI/10/01660/FUL Creek Cottage, Westlands Estate, Birdham

This is an application to demolish the existing house and to construct a replacement dwelling. The Council has looked at the plans for this replacement dwelling and assessed the implications for the environment and the amenity of other residents at this site. Our only comment would be about the pillars on the north elevation. They seem to us to be pretentious architectural millinery and out of character with a rural development of this sort – even though they were a design favourite when the adjacent Greenacres site was approved in the seventies. A simpler treatment as on the south elevation seems to us to be more in character with the rest of the building.

During the meeting additional information came to light that had not been available previously. The external staircase would lead to overlooking of the neighbouring property’s garden and conservatory. We see this as being unnecessary and un-neighbourly and would draw the attention of the Planning Officer to it. It may be open to negotiation but the Council would be inclined to OBJECT to the whole application if this matter cannot be dealt with. We wish to be kept informed.

BI/10/01809/FUL Oakdene, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham

This is an application to erect a stable block and to provide hard standing in a paddock field adjacent to Oakdene.

When Oakdene itself was constructed the Council was at pains to insist that it should be positioned on the previous footprint in order to prevent the ribbon development of Sidlesham Lane. We had similar concerns about this application (which is referred to at one point in the Design and Access statement as a replacement building. It is not) However we consider that the positioning of the building and the fact (which should be a condition of granting the application) that no extra access is being provided mitigates this concern. We assume that this application will also not imply that this is a brown field site which could be the subject of a later application for residential use. We would oppose such an application.

We would also comment on the small amount of space for grazing a horse but were told by the Officer on a recent application that the welfare of horses was not a planning matter.

Since the response was prepared the Development Control Committee (South) has ruled on another application for stabling in this Parish at Bell Lane. In the light of the Committee’s decision to refuse planning permission on that application because of loss of amenity and possible Human Rights issues to neighbours who will be close to and upwind of the proposed stabling we would ask the Planning Officer to look again at this application and assess if the same issues arise here. There may be grounds for refusal here too.

BI/10/01041/DOM 22 Greenacres, Birdham

The Council has visited the site and assessed the impact of this application on neighbouring properties, especially in view of its height. It is in fact no taller than the adjacent “Huf” house or the properties to the south on the other side of the road. Nor do we consider that it will intrude excessively into the views from the Harbour. We are pleased to see that care has also been taken with glazing and colour to minimise the visual intrusion.

The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.

BI/10/01411/EXT Mr and Mrs M And H Junak Houseboat Eloise Chichester Marina Birdham Chichester

Extension of 05/01880/FUL - a two storey houseboat to replace existing boat.  (amended proposal including reduction in height and amended design).

Deferred for additional information and drawings.

BI/10/01593/COU Barry Gibbs Locksacre Farm Wophams Lane Birdham

Additional usage to existing for the provision of open storage caravans and boats.

Deferred for additional information and drawings.

BI/10/01704/FUL Mr Cal Leach Houseboat Iris Chichester Marina Birdham

Replacement of existing 2 bed houseboat with newly built 2 bed houseboat.

This application was felt to be of good design and well suited to its environ. The Council therefore raised NO OBJECTION to this application

BI/10/01871/DOM Mr and Mrs M Oliver the Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham

Part demolition of garage and construction of two storey side extension and first floor extension, over existing flat roof of dwelling.

Owing to both concerns and the sensitivity of this application it was felt that a site visit was justified.

Resolved: That the Council’s recommendations be passed to Chichester District Council.

Proposed Cllr R Meynell and seconded Cllr M Barker


BI/10/01113/DOM Mr R Meynell Broomfield Studio Lock Lane Birdham PO20 7BA

Extension to provide enclosed staircase. PERMIT

BI/10/00628/FUL Blue Ribbon Nursery Blue Ribbon Nursery Birdham Road

Customer refreshment area. PERMIT

BI/10/00516/ADV Mr Robert Froud Junction of Birdham Road And Sidlesham Lane Birdham  1 no. free standing sign. WITHDRAWN

BI/10/01034/FUL Mr I Chase Teals Lock Lane Birdham

Demolition of existing dwelling and annexe and erection of new dwelling and detached garage/annexe. WITHDRAWN

BI/10/00321/FUL Mr J Parker Field South Of Seldens Bell Lane Birdham

Construction of 4 no. stables and hay store together with access drive and hard standing area. REFUSE

11-10 Correspondence:

i)             Sussex Safer Roads Partnership Monthly Report

ii)            Email from WSCC concerning the Street Lighting PFI ( No letter has been so far received)

iii)           Received from CPRE the Members Guide for 2010 and the Spring Edition of the Countryside Voice

12-10 Reports:

i)      Play area and playing field – ROSPA Inspection in June. Cllr Churchill reported that a fence cross spar was in need of attention.

The football posts were in need of some attention. The Scouts would be asked if they might wish to take this on.

It was agreed that the Village Hall Committee would be charged at the rate of £10.00 per grass cutting for the small fenced off area outside of the Village Hall

ii)     Village green and pond – The Clerk had emailed again to Sarah Hughes but had not yet received a response. Cllr Huskisson reported that she had spoken to Ms Hughes.

iii)    Police and Neighbourhood Watch – PCSO Ann Bromley was in attendance and gave an in depth report.

It had been reported that drain covers had been stolen creating a hazard to road users, particularly cyclists however, no new reports had been received.

There had been one dog attack, one vehicle had been stolen as had one outboard engine.

Various break-ins to sheds had been reported with investigations on-going.

iv)    It was reported that the bus shelters had become rather cluttered. The Clerk was asked to contact Adrian Dover to give them a spring clean.

13-10 Finance:

i)             A financial paper had been prepared by the Clerk and was circulated to Councillors. This showed:

Balances held at Bank: £53858.98

Designated Funds: £25557.04

Creditors: £995.56

Resolved: To accept the financial report.

Proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Leach

ii)            Invitation to renew our insurance with Aviva via Came & Company at £1284.95

Proposed by Cllr Way and seconded Cllr Tilbury

iii)           To accept the Annual Internal Auditors Report

Proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Leach

iv)           To Authorise the Chairman and Clerk to sign the Accounting Statements

Proposed by Cllr Leach and seconded by Cllr Meynell

v)            To Authorise the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Annual Governance Statement.

Proposed by Cllr Leach and seconded by Cllr Tilbury.

14-10 Reports from Councillors attending meetings:

Cllr Tilbury reported that he had attended a stakeholders meeting of the West Sussex Health Trust.

He reported that to improve productivity wards were to be controlled by a Ward Sister that for a set number of wards a Matron would be appointed and would have overall control.

There is a move by the Governors to apply for Foundation Status and to recruit 2100 new members to serve of the Trust with representation on the Hospital Governing Body.

A patient survey had been carried out which showed that the hospital had done no better or worse than previously.

A move was in place to improve the quality of advice given to patients concerning their treatment and medication and to improve the discharge procedure. Information would also be improved on what prescribed medication actually does.

The Chairman reported that he had attended a meeting of the Harbour Conservancy.

15-10  To approve the resolution of Council to adopt the New Model Standing Orders as amended under minute 140-09cl.

Proposed by the Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Way

16-10 To formulate a response to the email received from Access-by-Design concerning the condition of the footpath from Church Lane to Premier Motorhomes & Leisure.

The Clerk has contacted WSCC (Ref 493732) who will try to have someone contact him directly.

Cllr Montyn said that he had also contacted the highways officer and they agreed to cut back the hedge growth. He also intimated that agreement had been reached to repair the surface of the path although this has not been confirmed.

17-10 Public session:

A member of the public congratulated the Council on installing the seat in the bus shelter opposite the Birdham Stores.

A question was asked concerning the access rights to the land opposite the School. This is still in the hands of Solicitors.

Cllr Montyn gave a short presentation on the workings of the District Councils Area Development Control (South)

18-10              Items for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting

There being no further business to be dealt with the meeting closed at  9.15 pm

Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________
