Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of the 23rd November 2009

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of the 23rd November 2009

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 23rd November 2009 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Mrs Cobbold; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Howat; Cllr Mrs Leach

In attendance: County and District Councillor Montyn, and 3 members of the public.

73-09cl. Apologies and Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman apologised for any inconvenience caused to Councillors and members of the public by the postponement by a week of this Council meeting.

The Chairman said that he had now received, as far as he could tell, all the Council documents from the Saskia and Chris Heasman’s house. Matters concerning diversion of mail and the Council telephone and email arrangements remained to be resolved.

74-09cl.Declarations of interest

There was none.

75-09cl.Minutes of the Meetings held on 20th July 2009 and19th October 2009

The Chairman had now discovered the finished Minutes of the July meeting among Saskia Heasman’s papers and circulated them to members. He proposed to substitute them for his draft Minutes presented to the September meeting of the Council but not signed.

Resolved: That the Minutes of the 20th July 2009 be signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr Meynell, seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks

Resolved: That the Minutes of the 19th October 2009 be signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr Churchill, seconded by Cllr Mrs Cobbold

76-09cl.Matters arising from the Minutes

i)              48-09cl Appointment of Clerk

The Chairman, Cllr Mrs Cobbold and Cllr Meynell had interviewed two candidates for the post and proposed to the Council that Mr David Siggs be appointed Clerk to the Council, subject to contract, and assume his duties as soon as possible.

Resolved: that Mr David Siggs be appointed. Proposed by Cllr Howatt, seconded by Cllr Ms Leach

The Chairman welcomed Mr Siggs.

ii)          Appointments to the Council

The Chairman proposed that these should be held over until the new Clerk was in office.

iii)         40-09cl Activities for Young People

A paper had been received from Duncan Thrussell, Neighbourhood Youth Worker, outlining the work they had done during the last three months. After discussion it was decided to research designs for a youth shelter or similar structure, to seek the experience of other Councils, to investigate access for young people to the Village Hall, to find out what the Church’s Youth Officer was doing and to find out which age group could most benefit from action by the Council.

iv)            40-09cl Seat at Bus Shelter

Papers connected with the seat at the bus shelter had now been found. It seemed likely that planning permission would be needed, a £10m Public Liability required, an indemnity for the County Council and a twenty-eight day consultation period. Cllr Montyn said he would speak to the WSCC official involved. Further progress would be reported at the next meeting.

v)             44-09cl Dredging the Pond

A quotation for dredging the village pond had been received but, as the site was a protected one for voles and a water course, permission to undertake the work might be necessary from Natural England and the Environment Agency. Cllr Mrs Huskisson said that Natural England should be given an outline of the work to be done and why. As far as is known no voles have been seen at the site for the last two years. If Natural England require a survey Cllr Huskisson knew of people who were qualified to do it but she herself would obviously have to declare an interest.

vi)            51-09cl Affordable Housing

Sam Irving (CDC) had reported that negotiations on the Crooked Lane site were still underway. The Chairman said that he had received a letter from a local property developer who wished to provide “affordable” housing. Since the technical description of affordable housing included that it was provided by the local Registered Social Landlord he had sent a copy to Sam Irving. In the light of Mr Hope’s intervention at the last meeting he had also drawn the attention of Steve Carvell (CDC Director of Environment) to the misuse of the word. He had replied that it was probably a good reminder for people to be aware not to rely simply on headlines or developers’ descriptions of development but to dig into the detail of the proposal.

77-09cl.Clerk’s Report including:

a)             WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence


b)            CDC reports including correspondence

Copies of a report on the District Council’s cost savings were distributed. A consultation on the draft Statement of Principles under the Gaming Act 2005 had been received. The Council noted the Statement and did not wish to comment.

c)             Other related matters


78-09cl.Planning matters including CDC decisions

A planning paper had been circulated to Councillors.

Recommendations to be ratified by the Council


3 St James Close, Birdham

This is an application to build an annexe to the present house, incorporating a garage and living space above and a conservatory. It lies within the AONB.

The Council has two concerns. Firstly that this annexe will be in fact a self-contained structure with its own facilities. We would ask that a condition be placed upon it so that it cannot be sold separately from the main house. It would also be possible to rent out this annexe on a permanent or occasional basis. This would be contrary to the general ambience of this close.

Secondly we are concerned about the possible loss of amenity to the neighbours to the north. The west elevation will have some impact but we note that the considerable glazing at first floor level is unlikely to constitute more than the general level of overlooking to the neighbours’ garden that is normal from adjacent houses. We are more concerned about the window to the bedroom above the garage doors in the east elevation which is an opening casement and could therefore involve loss of privacy in the rooms of the house to the north. We would recommend that this opening casement be replaced by a fixed casement with a fanlight and that an additional opening casement be provided on the south elevation to the west of the stairwell in order to provide the proper ratio of opening windows to floor area.

The Council raises NO OBJECTION to the general principle of this application.


Wophams Lane Nursery, Wophams Lane, Birham

This is an application to extend an existing earth bunded reservoir and to dump the spoil on another part of the site.

The Council would be concerned at any interference with surface water drainage via adjoining streams and ditches which might be occasioned by the new construction.

We also note with approval the undertaking of the 19th October 2209 that the spoil will be spread evenly across the area marked on the map and covered with top-soil prior to re-instatement. We would be concerned about loss of amenity to the neighbours to the west (St Aubins) if this were not so.

With these points in mind the Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application.

Resolved: That the recommendations be approved by the Council. Proposed by Cllr Ms Huskisson, seconded by Cllr Cobbold.

Decisions by Chichester District Council


Mr And Mrs King

Tyme Wells Westlands Estate Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7HJ

Construction of detached single garage and log store.



Mr John Slatter

Tides Reach 30 Greenacres Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7HL

Retention of raised garden decking.

PERMIT BI/09/03422/DOM

Mr Richard And Mrs Gillie Farquhar Thomson

Martins Cottage Martins Lane Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7AU

Garden room extension. Existing pitched roof raised and extended over garden room to accommodate

two ensuite bedrooms



CEA Settlement Trust

Old Apple Store, Rear Of Elmstead Birdham Road Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7BX

Use of former apple store for Business purposes (Use Class B1) and associated works.



Mr And Mrs Salt

Salterns Lock Lane Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7BB

Double detached car port.



Premium Motor Homes Limited

Premier Motor Homes Unit 1 Premier Business Park Birdham Road Appledram Chichester

West Sussex, PO20 7BU

Variation of condition 9 on permission BI/03/02203/FUL to allow 10 no. car parking spaces to be used as

additional display areas for motor homes and boats (5 no. spaces each).



Received: the Autumn 2009 edition of Countryside Voice from the CPRE, Chichester Ship Canal News

November 2009), the Annual Report of the Sussex County Playing Fields Association, and Sussex

Review (CPRE autumn 2009) for circulation.

A letter had also been received from a firm of grounds maintenance contractors in Dorking asking for

Details of our present contract under the Freedom of Information Act. The Chairman had checked with

SALC and we must give the details and reply by the 2nd December.


i)              Play area and playing field

Cllr Churchill reported that the Council’s hut had been badly damaged in the recent storms. After discussion it was decided to look into the Council’s insurance but that the best course was probably to remove the hut and not replace it until a need was demonstrated.

The Chairman said he had written to Iain Grant about clearing the ditches along the main road and Farne Lane but had not yet received a reply. The hedge adjacent to Longmeadow Gardens needed to be cut. It was decided to ask the contractors who cut the field to see to this and the hedge on Crooked Lane adjacent to the playground.

Resolved: To have the above work done. Proposed by Cllr Huskisson, seconded by Cllr Meynell.

The Chairman also reported that he had been in contact with the Solicitor handling the affairs of the late Mr Tony Adams over the piece of land left to the Council. Mr Worsley had replied that he would shortly be lodging at the Land Registry what he hoped would be the final documents required by the Registry to enable the title to the land owned by the late Tony Adams to be registered. He would contact us once the title had been registered, regarding the transfer of ownership of the piece of land to the Parish Council. He asked the Council to let him know how the Parish Council will hold the land? Will the title be held in the name of the Parish Council, or in the name of a Trustee on behalf of the Council? He will in any event contact us when the title to the land has been registered. The Council decided to take advice on the question of how the land will be held.

ii)             Village Green and Pond

This had been referred to above.

iii)            Neighbourhood Watch

iv)            The Police Community Support Officers had reported a number of attempts to cheat people out of money by bogus phone calls and asked residents to be on their guard in the run up to Christmas. The Chairman suggested that this might be an item for a Christmas Newsletter to residents which would also announce the appointment of the new Clerk and his contact details. Tree Wardens

Since we no longer have any active tree wardens it was suggested that this too might be an item for the Newsletter.

v)             other

Drainage Survey The Chairman reported that the maps and guidance had arrived from Gavin Holder (CDC Drainage Engineer) and had been distributed to those who had volunteered. He would now be writing to local farmers to seek their co-operation.

9. Finance

A financial paper had been prepared and was circulated to Councillors. This showed:

Balances held at Bank: £53,136.49

Designated Funds: £25,579.04

Creditors: £1305.33

Resolved: To accept the financial report. Proposed by Cllr Meynell, seconded by Cllr Churchill.

The Chairman said that the first part of the Budget for next year would normally be discussed at this

Meeting but he would take the whole budget in December .

10. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors

i) Peninsula Forum

As the Chairman had chaired the most recent meeting of the Forum, held in Birdham on the 7th September, where concern had been expressed about the long delays in doing anything about the A27, he would ask Keith Morgan (CDC Co-ordinator of the Forum) about responses to the letter he had sent to the County Council, the Highways Agency and the Department for Transport, as reported in the Chichester Observer of the 19th November. Mr Morgan is at present on leave.

ii) County Local Committee for Chichester South

The Chairman had attended a meeting of local Council Chairman to discuss the working of the Committee and possible improvements. It was one of a number of meeting across the County and a report would be produced early next year. Those present at Chichester had been particularly critical of the Highways Department and problems in identifying and contacting the relevant officer directly.

iii) County and District Councillor Montyn said that he would bring the Highways Department score sheet for Traffic Regulation Orders to the next meeting. He also reported that the revised Local Development Framework is progressing to the point of an options document but has not reached the point of designating sites. It was unlikely that Birdham would be much affected by development but there could be proposals for Selsey and East Wittering. Cllr Mrs Cobbold commented that those would affect Birdham as far as traffic was concerned. Cllr Montyn said that the present paper would go out for consultation from the 1st December to the end of January.

iv) Cllr Mrs Cobbold drew the attention of the Council to the new website of the Manhood Peninsula Partnership which would be available from the 1st December.

11. Public session

No points were raised by members of the public.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 21st September 2009

Minutes of Council September 2009

Notes of the Drainage Meeting held on the 1st September 2009

Notes of the Village Meeting about Drainage,
Called by Birdham Parish Council,
Tuesday, 1st September 2009

Present: The Chairman (Roger Tilbury) and five other Parish Councillors; 43 members of the public; Julie Whitney (Manhood Peninsula Partnership); Gavin Holder (CDC); County and District Cllr Montyn; the Clerk.

The Chairman introduced the speakers, and explained that the meeting was the result of increasing reports of problems with the drainage of surface water through the Parish’s ditch network. The geology of the area also means that water drains away extremely slowly, and because the village is near the sea the water table is very high; in places it is only 50 cm below the surface. The drainage system is easily overwhelmed because it was designed for agriculture and not to cope with the number of properties now built. Drains have often been culverted without permission, and may be blocked or too small for the volume they have to take. They also silt up without regular maintenance. Ditches are not always maintained, tend to get overgrown with vegetation, and sometimes silted up. The aim is to map all the ditches in Birdham to create an accurate baseline for action. Because the problem is so complex there is no guarantee that it can be solved by ditch maintenance alone.

Julie Whitney said that the Manhood Peninsula Partnership had grown out of the “Going Dutch” workshops and the Espace project. It is a strategic policy partnership and brings together a variety of interested parties and official organisations on the Manhood. It has commissioned land drainage studies in the past. It also supports green actions such as the use of grey water in Birdham School, encouraging cycling etc. It is turning its attention back to land drainage, including in Birdham, as well as sea defences. New legislation is being proposed which, if it goes through, will change responsibilities. A community-based approach will not solve problems, but may help sort them out.

Gavin Holder is Assistant Engineer at CDC. He is the main contact at CDC for land drainage enquiries and explained that riparian owners bear the main responsibility for ditch maintenance and keeping watercourses clear. Riparian owners are those who live next to a watercourse not owned by someone else. WSCC is responsible for drainage on highways. CDC has permissive powers to act on flooding. It can investigate on whose land a problem occurs, can tell owners to do work and enforce this if it is not done. CDC sends out flooding surveys to every parish in September to be returned in March, and these give a picture of flooding in the whole District.

The Chairman said that Birdham PC will compile as much information as possible. The PC can approach local people informally, but if that doesn’t work, it can get CDC to step in. Bosham PC has appointed a part-time water bailiff, who reports to the PC each month. He asked for volunteers to survey the Parish’s ditch network over the winter and to report back in time for the results to be presented to a meeting on Monday, 8th March 2010.

Some of the points made by members of the public were: as follows. Birdham Parish Council cannot vouch for the accuracy of some of the information. [Later information in square brackets]

- Much of the water finds its way to the sea through farmland and many ditches are silted up.
- The imminent removal of silt from the Village Pond may cause silting in the rife which runs to Birdham Pool which is in any case a constant problem.
- The ditch between the pond in Florence Close and Crooked Lane is absolutely clogged. Is HydeMartlett responsible here?
- There is a culvert running behind Cherry Lane, which needs clearing, but the cost to clear it would be disproportionate for the twelve properties involved. There needs to be research as soon as possible to find out whether any organisation or Council has any money to clear culverts like this one. [CDC does not] This culvert meets the one from Walwyn Close and there have been flooding problems there too.
- If an area is designated as being at risk of flooding, it has a negative impact on property as the owners may not be able to get insurance against flood damage. It was reported that the area of Birdham south of the Bell Inn has been called a “Flood Zone”; is this simply a way of avoiding action? [Iinformation needs to be sought from the Environment Agency which designates “flood zones”]
- WSCC says it does not own ditches adjacent to the highway (except for 38 metres north of the Church Lane junction with Birdham Straight), but some people’s deeds say they do not own the ditch either. [WSCC is responsible for the “grips which drain the road into the ditch/watercourse] There is often confusion between curtilages shown on deeds and the “hedge and ditch presumption” that the property owner is responsible for both. Borders may be half way across the ditch. Clarification is needed.
- The access to Whitestone Farm was under 6 feet of water last January and the cottage under 4 feet, but the water began to subside when the pump near Briery Cottage was switched on, having taken four months to repair.
- Even the highest part of Birdham floods although it is 7.4 metres above sea-level.
- Instead of the circulatory ditch network in Church Lane should there not be a new direct link to the pond?
- The ditch along Sidlesham Lane runs to Birdham Straight, and it is not clear where it goes after that.
- There are concerns that a current application for 50 acres of glass in Sidlesham will have an effect on the drainage from Birdham towards the sea.
- A question was asked as to whether Section 106 money could be used for improving the drainage. [A Senior Planner has said this is unlikely but developers are often given a condition that the drainage network must be able to accept additional surface water and to make modifications if it is not suitable. Planning applications can be refused on land drainage grounds, especially if the Environment Agency objects. We need to know their criteria]

Twenty-one residents volunteered to monitor particular areas of the village over the winter. They will be issued with maps and guidance areas of the village.

The Chairman thanked the other speakers and the audience and invited them back to the next meeting on Monday, 8th March 2010.

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the 20th July 2009

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th July 2009 at7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Mrs Cobbold;  Cllr Howat.

In attendance: The Clerk; 4 members of the public; 1 member of the press; District and County Cllr Pieter Montyn

37-09cl. Apologies – none was received.

38-09cl. Declaration of interest: Cllr Tilbury, Cllr Mrs Cobbold and Cllr Ms Huskisson  re Village Hall

39-09cl. Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th June 2009

It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Ms Leach RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of 15th June 2009 be approved and signed by the Chairman.

40-09cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 15th June 2009

i) Min 29-09cl Seat by the bus shelter – The Clerk reported that Iain Grant has said that the seat by the Bird and Ham is too old to move. She has received quotes from two companies with one costing £458 plus VAT and £28 plus VAT delivery, but until the permission is given for the placing of the seat it is not possible to go ahead with ordering it. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to purchase that seat and install it when permission arrives.

ii) Min 35-09cl letter to the Environment Agency – the Chairman reported that he had written concerning the problems at Apuldram Treatment Works in the winter. The reply says that the discharge is not completely untreated sewage. Monitoring of the water quality in the Harbour is undertaken on bi-weekly basis. The installation of a new tank has improved the situation greatly.

iii) Min 35-09cl - Date for the drainage meeting – Tuesday 1st September at 7.30pm. Julie Whitney will be invited to attend.

iv) Dean Miles – information from his colleague has been received. Ask them to go ahead.

At this point Mr John Harding and Mr James Fraser presented the plan for Birdham Pool. Some of the Council had already been at a presentation last year. Councillors asked for clarification of some points. The chairman thanked them for their input.

Then Sam Irving from CDC updated the Council on the issue of affordable housing. 27 households on the Council waiting list have local connections to Birdham. Birdham is in top third of need in rural parishes. Planning policy team now has five year supply of land. Priority has changed: length of time living in Parish is top criterion, then employment in parish and then those forced to move away because of lack of affordable housing. He would like to do some sort of consultation event, possibly an open day or a web-site or on-line poll. The rules have changed and some affordable housing can now be designated for local people. The Chairman thanked him for his input.

41-09cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

i) Richard Bird has sent the Council a great deal of correspondence about the proposed PFI lighting project. It includes all the details except the price of the contract as they are still negotiating with possible contractors. It appears that the final costs will be sent in August, and that the contract will have to be signed fairly soon after that. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED that the Clerk could be authorised to sign the document if it comes before the September meeting, as looking for private maintenance and replacement of lights is likely to be much more expensive.

b) CDC reports including correspondence

i) The District Council has sent the Council a letter about the Community Action Chest giving the closing dates for applying for grants of up to £5000. Parishes may also be asked to sponsor community groups which wish to apply for such grants. This was noted.

ii) The District Council is also sponsoring the Shirley Henry Award for the Best Volunteer in the Observer Community Awards. This was also noted.

iii) The District Council is also publicising Westgate Leisure Chichester Holiday Club at the Westgate Leisure Centre. The Clerk has placed this information on the notice board.

c) other related matters

i) The Clerk reported that she would be away on annual leave from 22nd July to 6th August inclusive. This was noted.

ii) She further reported that all the charities to whom donations had been made have written letters of thanks.

42-09cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions

A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors

Plans to be considered:

BI/09/02537/DOM – Penmayne Cottage, Martins Lane, Birdham – Proposed single storey side extension. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cobbold RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/09/02564/DOM – Pipkins, Crooked Lane, Birdham – single storey side extension for garden room. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

Plans considered by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/09/01808/FUL - The Dinghy Park, Birdham

This dinghy park has existed for a number of years and the Council is sympathetic to the need for facilities for sailing in this area. We do however have several problems with this application.

The site is bounded on two sides by the Salterns Way path for walkers, cyclists and the disabled. Under normal circumstances this would mean that the movement of boats between the park and the water has to be carefully managed to avoid conflict. But, as the applicant notes, changes at Birdham Pool mean that boats will now have to be taken to Chichester Yacht Basin, or further afield, for launching which will increase the amount and scale of movement. Manoeuvring a boat by hand or with minimum transport over a hundred yards is different from towing it with a large vehicle (implied by the need to widen the access or provide an alternative) for several miles. The conflict could therefore be hazardous to those using the Salterns Way, many of whom are cyclists with young children.

By the same token, access to this site from both directions is over private roads which are maintained at the expense of the riparian owners. Increased traffic would have to be negotiated with the owners of the road. We have no evidence of their agreement to this increase in size and volume of traffic. One of the roads is part of the Salterns Way.

We note that the Planning Officer has already raised the question of noise. At the moment the site has no services and is simply a parking place for dinghies. There are several houses adjacent to this site which is extremely quiet and within the AONB. If services are provided in the building shown we are sceptical that they will only be used inside the building and would be reluctant to see the peace and tranquillity of the area disturbed, especially at weekends, by the noise of boat maintenance and repair. The agents reject the need for a noise assessment and its accuracy. It seems to us to be simple enough to try a variety of machinery (sanders, angle grinders etc) on the site in the open air and to assess the impact on the adjacent houses.

The applicant states as one reason for the building on the site two recent thefts and his expectation that the economic climate may increase them.  The security of the site is not a planning matter and seems to us to have no relevance to this application.

Our final concern is about future development. The site is at present a grassy triangle with dinghies parked on it: essentially a green field. The provision of a building on this site could lead to a change of designation. If the dinghy park and repair facilities were to fail this could open the way to further redesignation. Even though plans would have to be approved by the Planning Authority, the process of redesignation (e.g. for industrial or residential use) could be made easier by previous redesignation as a result of this development.

For these reasons we feel we must OBJECT to this application.

BI/09/02237/TPA – 25, Walwyn Close, Birdham – Crown reduction of 20% to oak (T8) and also to oak (T7) remove branch over house/conservatory by 2 metres. Branches are damaging garage/house/conservatory and cars by garage – NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cobbold and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to ratify the decisions taken since the last meeting.

Letter from Mr Bell was noted.

43-09cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

Emails sent to councillors since the last meeting:

16/6 – Manhood Parishes Road Safety Group; 18/6 – West Sussex PCT’s ebulletin (Issue 43); 19/6 – Sunshine, seals and the solar heritage; 29/6 – South Chichester Local Committee 7th July; 29/6 – Crimestoppers SALC; 1/7 – Chichester Harbour Events July; 3/7 – Chichester District Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership; 6/7 – Rural Services Community – Weekly Rural Focus Digest; 6/7 – Rural Services Network – Parish News from the RSN; 6/7 – Chichester District Commander’s Message; 7/7 – HTF Update; 9/7 – East Head group receive award; 14/7 MPRSE Response to a Safer Way; 16/7 Minutes from South Chichester Local Committee; 17/7 – South Downs National Park Meeting.

Correspondence to be circulated:

WSCC – Approved Traders’ Directory 2009

Connections July 2009

Forward Plan of Key Decisions July – October 2009 and August – November 2009

CDC Initiatives Summer 2009

Clerks and Councils Direct July 2009

CPRE – Sussex Review Summer 2009

Chichester Harbour News and Guide 2009

Action in Rural Sussex - Various

44-09cl. Reports:

i) a) Play area and playing field – the Clerk reported that Knight Fencing has quoted £165 plus VAT to repair the fence between the Hall and the Scout Hut, and she has told them to proceed with the work. The Rospa report has been received and there are some items which may need attention. She has given copies to Cllr Churchill and Cllr Tilbury so they can discuss it and report to the September meeting. Cllr Churchill reported that some of the panels at the bottom of the fencing are damaged.  Mrs Geary had told the Clerk that the hedge along Crooked Lane is dangerous as the brambles are growing onto Crooked Lane. The Clerk has asked Mike Kennedy for a quote to do the work as it was his staff who had pointed it out to Mrs Geary, and they have quoted £70 plus VAT. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to have the work done.

i) b) The Chairman has drawn up an agreement to be sent to Mr Wills about the circus to take place.

i) c) the Village Hall charity has asked the Council if they have any objection to the piece of land immediately outside the Hall fenced to the distance of 20 feet and 60 feet wide. If approved it will have to be done by the Village Hall Trust it will have to be paid for by them, maintained by them, and they will have to remove it if at any time the Parish Council requires them to. Could be for five years renewable. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED that the Chairman should write to the Trust in those terms.

ii) Village green and pond – the Chairman has spoken with Julie Whitney about the £500 which the Council is giving to the Manhood Peninsula Partnership and she will in return help with the pond. Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Tilbury have met with Adrian Dover. They discussed with him the schedule of work around the pond, and the maintenance of habitat. The field at the back of the pond has caused concern in the past. The owner has accepted that we maintain the pond. Next time the fence is replaced it will be moved back to give the Council its two metres. The Chairman spoke to the Harbour Conservancy about removing the silt from the pond and a mini-digger or similar will be necessary to remove the silt.

iii) Neighbourhood Watch – Wendy Pitty had reported that there were no incidents in Birdham in the past month, although the Chairman added that there had been some incidents of breaking and entering locally.

iv) Tree Wardens – the Clerk reported that she had emailed the tree wardens to see if they wish to continue – Ann Marcer’s email was returned as undeliverable, and Marianne Strong has replied that she wishes to stand down. This was noted.

v) other – the Village Hall Trust will be making the new doorway in the Hall during August.

45-09cl. Finance

A financial situation report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments since the last Meeting to be ratified:

Clerk’s salary                                                                                        556.72

MH Kennedy and Son Ltd (grsss includes 48.00 VAT)                           368.00

Geof Muffet – repair bus shelter roof                                                 170.00

National Playing Fields Association – subs                                              35.00


Current account:          VAT refund                                                      657.16

Copies                                                                 21.00

Village Hall account: Interest 0.74

Deposit account: Interest                                                                        4.75

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary, litter, June                                                                           70.00

Clerk’s expenses, (includes 5.95 VAT)                                                     59.79

Southern Electric (street lighting electricity inc.9.92 VAT)                 208.38

Principal 1 Ltd (copier service inc. 9.33 VAT)                                          71.50

Playsafety Ltd (Rospa Report inc. 10.35 VAT)                                         79.35

Manhood Peninsula Partnership                                                                        500.00

Notes: The Clerk has today transferred £1500 from the deposit account to the current account to pay for expected expenses, and £8591 from the Village Hall account to pay the PWLB loan due in early August. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED to accept the financial report.

46-09cl. Reports of meetings attended by councillors

i) Medmerry workshop on managed re-alignment – Cllr Cobbold reported that there will be inter-tidal defences. Bunn will defend his own land. The Environment Agency has bought some farms in the area for the inter-tidal use. Some of the land needed to be used for fresh water storage. There is a need for an alternative route from Selsey to the Witterings, even for an emergency link.

ii) CDALC – Cllr Tilbury reported that the main point of their last meeting was a talk from Mike McEwen the waste water manager from Southern Water. There is enough capacity in the system but it is not evenly available. If drains are inundated we should complain at once to Southern Water. Every complaint helps them to get more money for improvements.

ii) County Local Committee South – Cllr Tilbury reported on this meeting. He had raised the question of parking standards on new developments. There is currently consultation on local parking standards which may be changed. The list of traffic regulation orders was reviewed. 20mph speed limit on roads north of Birdham Straight is now number 6 on the list, but we need to ensure we do not get bumped down the list.

47-09cl. Public session

i) Water levels plummeted in the canal recently but have now risen again. Nobody seems to know where the water comes from, but the Canal Trust is now starting a hydrological study to find out where the water comes from. The Chairman will write to both the Trust and Premier Marina to ask what is being done about it.

ii) Trees are dying in Court Barn Lane between Mariners and the Pool. All the land they stand on belongs to the Church Commissioners, and the Chairman will contact them about the drainage survey and mention this at the same time.

iii) The Youth Service has problems with staff in holiday time because many of the staff do not want to work in school holidays.

There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 9.10pm

Signed__________________________________      Date_________________

Planning Matters July 2009

Planning Matters for the Meeting of 20th July 2009

Plans to be considered:

BI/09/02537/DOM – Penmayne Cottage, Martins Lane, Birdham – Proposed single storey side extension

BI/09/02564/DOM – Pipkins, Crooked Lane, Birdham – single storey side extension for garden room.

Plans considered by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified: (more…)

Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting Monday 20th July 2009

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Birdham Parish Council is to be held on Monday 20th July 2009 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall which commences at 7pm and all members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend.

Saskia Heasman, Clerk to the Council (more…)

Minutes June 2009

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th June 2009 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall. (more…)

Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting Monday 15th June 2009

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Birdham Parish Council is to be held on Monday 15th June 2009 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall which commences at 7pm and all members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend.

Saskia Heasman, Clerk to the Council

The agenda to be transacted is as follows:

1. Apologies
2. Declaration of interests
3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th May 2009
4. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 18th May 2009
i) Min 18-09cl ii) Seat by the bus shelter
ii) Min 18-09cl i) Dean Miles will speak briefly to the Council.
5. Clerk’s Report including:
a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
b) CDC reports including correspondence
c) other related matters
6. Planning matters including CDC decisions
7. Correspondence
8. Reports:
i) Play Area and Playing Field
ii) Village Green and Pond
iii) Neighbourhood Watch
iv) Tree Wardens
v) other
9. Finance
10. Reports of meetings attended by councillors
11. Public session


Minutes May 2009

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 18th May 2009 at 7pm in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: The Clerk; 3 members of the public; District Cllr Montyn; (more…)

Minutes April 2009

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th April 2009 in Birdham Village Hall after the Annual Meeting

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Howat; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Mrs Cobbold

In attendance: The Clerk; District Cllr Montyn; 5 members of the public; PCSO Ann Bromley and Dean Miles, East Wittering Youth Worker (more…)